“The Four Gospels emerge from earliest Christianity as unique and inspired voices that go on speaking through the centuries. It is important that the uniqueness of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John be recognized. The work of Joseph Muller does this. Presenting a coherent story of Jesus by combining all four narratives goes back to the second century, but Joseph Muller indicates the different Gospel sources for each poetic rendition in his continuation of this practice. It is no ‘dumbing down’ of the Gospels. Enhanced by Sean Cleary’s art work, the stories of the life, teaching, death and resurrection, as told by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, can be heard in these pages.”

-Fr. Francis Moloney, O.D.B., Director of the Center for Biblical and Early Christian Literature, Australian Catholic Unity, former President of the Catholic Biblical Association of America and author of over 50 books, including Sacra Pagina: John

“Joseph Muller set himself a daunting task; it would have taken scholars like St. Jerome or poets like Bede the Venerable burning midnight oil for years. Setting the entire gospel to rhymed couplets! A youth is endowed with steadfast purpose to undertake – and to complete – so vast and exigent a work. I love the innocence of it, the manifest skill.

The prose notes that accompany the text must also be celebrated. They are personal, scholarly, wry, anecdotal, illuminating, critical, and frequently delightful. The notes do not leave the reader off lightly (nor for that matter, the author!). They anchor the poetic text in nuanced truth or enlightened choice. Now and again they explain why the poet-scholar prefers one word or phrase over another. All to our benefit. Altogether wonderful.”

- Fr. Dan Berrigan, S.J., founding member of the Plowshares movement and author of Jeremiah, Job, Isaiah, and over 20 other books

“Joe Muller's ‘Changing Water into Wine: The Gospels in Rhyme,’ is clearly a labor of love by one who has listened carefully to every line of the gospel texts. Muller’s rendition is lyrical and imaginative, like the finest of Christian hymns, yet he stays faithful to the gospel text. It’s a remarkable achievement, made all the more impressive by the graceful illustrations accompanying each narration.”

- Kathy Kelly, author of Other Lands Have Dreams and Founder of Voices in the Wilderness and Voices for Creative Nonviolence